up_statuss is the pathway to a better, lighter & healthier you

It’s time for YOU to start feeling this way

We’re here to help you with:

  • Healthy weight change

  • Energy levels

  • Hunger & cravings

  • Mood

  • Gut Health

Discover our benefits

Recipes & Meal Plans

A one-stop app for recipes, meal planning, even online shopping.

24/7 Support

Got a question? Ask Steph, the Lead Nutrition Consultant.


Sessions with Steph, the Lead Nutrition Consultant where you can ask your burning questions and we discuss and solve problems.

Exclusive Content

Exclusive monthly mailing list and access to limited offers and promotions.

Proven Method

Get the complete nutrition package with the comprehensive up_statuss proven method.

Eating Model

A future-proof eating model that is designed for you, with you.

You get support, structure & accountability that you will struggle to find elsewhere.

Program options


— program



1000s of recipes (~10 new each week) & meal planning (app)

Instant messaging with Steph

Exclusive monthly mailing list on healthy weight change

Introduction to online course

Access to limited offers & promotions

*Billed monthly


— program



Same as Basic program

15-min monthly check-in with Steph

Option for additional 30-min sessions with Steph ($159 for 1 or $417 for 3)

*Billed monthly (minimum of 4 months)


— program



Similar to Pro progam

Weekly sessions with Steph for first 8-weeks

Comprehensive up_statuss proven method

A nutrition model designed for your reality

Meal plans done for you

*Billed Monthly (minimum 4 months)

Discover our comprehensive proven method

Phase 1: Realign

Structure and routine to leave you feeling organised, under-control and in good hands. You leave this phase feeling realigned & refreshed.

Phase 2: Refine

You may think you “eat pretty well most of the time”. Trust me when I say there are many factors about your current way of eating that you aren’t aware are holding you back. You leave this phase feeling reignited.

Phase 3: Reality

This is one of the most crucial phases to get right. This is where the up_statuss model kicks into another gear to guide long-term success. You leave this phase feeling confident & reshaped.

Clients are saying:

“It doesn’t feel hard to follow my progressions and stay on track.”

— Ange 38

“My high blood pressure is starting to come down, whatever you are doing Steph is working”

— Penelope 39

“I’ve never noticed a change in my taste buds before until now (3 weeks in!)”

— Nel, 30

“I love how you’ve help me find motivations for my health that aren’t just about my weight”

— Kat 32

“The online course is so different, I haven’t come across anything like this before and it is still so personalised”

— Emma 30

“I’m already feeling better, healthier and lighter. Having the tailored meal plan takes the thinking out of everything for me.”

— Busy CEO, 32


  • A contemporary nutrition consultancy that provides top quality support & expertise.

  • Signature programs (Basic, Pro, & Supreme) & Phased programs which are for different life stages.

  • Depends on the program. All programs provide a better, lighter & healthier you.

  • Steph is a Registered Nutritionist in New Zealand and Australia & an Educator/Speaker in nutrition. Prior to up_statuss Steph spent 5 years working for Sanitarium as a Senior Nutritionist. In her earlier years she consulted through a health & fitness centre. She has completed a Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition and Food Science at The University of Otago, and a Postgraduate Diploma in Science (Human Nutrition) at Massey University.

  • For most, we plan our meals around meat and other animal foods. Plant rich means we focus our diet more on plant foods. It’s totally up to you how you want to approach this - we have inclusive recipes & meal plans for all.

    More info here!

  • Anyone on a health journey. It doesn’t matter what stage of your health journey you are on - this may be the very start for you!

  • If you ask yourself any of these questions - then, yes!

    Learn more here

  • Yes, except for the basic signature program.

  • Weight loss/maintenance, energy levels, mood, gut health.

  • Due to the downloadable nature of the resources we provide in our programs we do not offer refunds. We also know what we offer is so frickn’ good, so you’ll be happy!

Contact us.

Get in touch with Steph to discuss any questions you may have. Let’s raise your health status together.