Portion series: What you need to know about dairy
No idea how much dairy you should be having each day? Laura Anderson, Global Head of Nutrition at Fonterra has you covered. This episode explores dairy through the lens of portions, recommended serve sizes and daily targets.
We cover:
Portions, serve size, serving - what do they all mean?
Where New Zealanders go wrong with portion control
Recommended serve sizes of dairy foods
How do children and adults go at reaching the dairy targets?
Does portion control matter when consuming milk, yoghurt or cheese?
Has dairy consumption changed in NZ over the years?
What role does the food industry play when it comes to portion control?
Does dairy help with weight loss & weight maintenance?
Nutrition criteria Fonterra follow when designing new products
Laura’s top 3 tips on choosing the right dairy products for them and in the right amounts
One-liners you don’t want to miss:
“49% of New Zealand adults are consuming the recommended serves of dairy per day (data from a survey carried out by Fonterra).”
“ Most people don’t know that most people who are lactose intolerant can still consume dairy without concerns. Cheese and yoghurt have much lower levels of lactose and milk even when consumed as part of a meal can often be well tolerated. ”
“The serve size of milk is 1cup (250ml), cheese 2 slices (40g), yoghurt 3/4 cup (150-200g).”
We hope you enjoyed this conversation - for more podcast action, follow us on Instagram @up_statuss.