What is Your Nutrition Regime?


Most of us go through life and never actually learn from a nutrition professional – failing to learn when it may be best for us to eat, what to eat and drink for our current age and stage, how to maintain foundations for the long-term and why any of this matters. 

Perhaps your parents taught you how to eat and drink simply through what they consumed.

They influenced the foundations of your diet and now you are also influenced by what is offered around you and what everyone else does. 


So, why does any of it matter?

To put it simply, diet is one of the biggest levers you can pull when it comes to your health.

What makes this most challenging is the modern world and the way that we live.

It feels hard to make good food choices consistently.

Limited edition chocolate and ice cream pop up in advertisements, what feels like every other week.

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This article was written by Registered Nutritionist Stephanie Polson for Latitude Magazine. The link will take you to Latitude Magazine’s website.


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